About Margo

Romance Author Margo MaguireThroughout her years of nursing practice, Margo Maguire started thousands of intravenous lines and drew enough blood to keep the hungriest vampire satisfied. She wrotes a sufficiant number of nurse’s notes to carpet an entire football field, and read so many EKGs her eyes came close to being permanently crossed. As a nice, sane break from the drama and fast pace of the intensive care units, Margo went back to college to study history, and fell in love. Writing about the historical characters she encountered in her classes was a good way to unwind from a crazy day in the unit. She soon started making up her own fictional characters and putting them into historical settings.

Since leaving nursing, Margo has published twenty-two historical romance novels. Her books have been published in twelve different languages, and even in Japan as manga-animated books.

She is the mother of three grown children and lives with her scientist husband in southern Michigan.

Margo participates in RWA’s yearly Literacy Signing, and does local book signings with every new release. She has given talks on writing and research techniques, and is a featured author at The Sisterhood of the Jaunty Quills, a blog for romance authors. She is a regular contributor to the Avon Romance forums and sends out bulletins with Romance Designs and Eye on Romance.

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